If you ask a broad spectrum of the population, and by broad we mean catering for different age groups, from teens right up to the elderly, just what are their printer running costs for a year? You will get a multitude of answers; some will give a rough tally of the cost of their ink, others will want to know if by printer costs you mean electricity used, paper consumed, etc. Of course your printer running costs will include electricity, and paper for that matter, after all a printer is no good unless you have something to print on. Nevertheless, your main outlay will be your ink!
There will be those that say, “Well I mainly print text, so I didn't purchase an inkjet, instead I opted for a laser printer. You know I have printed almost 5000 sheets in the past on one toner?” In an ideal world, this would be great, but we don’t live in an ideal world. There are those of us that mainly print text, and so a laser printer would be more suited to their needs, but then there are those of us that print lots of color documents, or photos, or even a mixture of the two. For us, a laser printer is not an ideal printer.
So what can we to do to save money? Well we could go off and research which printers made by different manufacturers, have the lowest printing costs. Every day someone somewhere is putting in a Google search “printers with lowest running costs”. This is a good idea, but we are not going to get the best value with this search. This search will only tell us which manufacturers have the lowest printing costs for their own inks. This is fine if you only intend to use OEM inks, and many people are happy with that, but a lot are not. Those who are on a low income or have heavy printing needs want a truly low price printer ink.
We are fortunate now that we are able to get just this. There are a lot of different options open to the inkjet printer owner when it comes to low price printer ink. There are compatible ink cartridges, refilled OEM cartridges, at home do it yourself refill kits, even while you wait refills. The choice is vast, and so is the difference in prices.
With the dawn of digital photography more and more companies realized that our printing needs have increased, and people are now looking for better value when it comes to their printer inks. There may have been a time when low price printer inks were not of a standard that we have come to expect of original OEM inks. However, with the increase of sellers in the market place, they have realized that they have to up their game when it comes to quality and value for money. For if you supply an inferior ink, your customer will just go elsewhere in their search for better quality. Therefore, standards really have improved greatly.
In fact, according to many reputable and well known computer magazines, low price printer inks have increased in sales, and on testing against manufacturers own brands, they have been found to be as good, if not on par. Just one more reason to source out good quality, low price printer inks the next time your printer requires you to replace your cartridges.
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